Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Early Release!!

Today, when we arrived at school, I went into the OVEN that is my classroom each morning, straight to my AC unit. . When I pushed the button to turn on the AC, it DIDN"T come on!!!!! Neither did the lights. When I mentioned it to Camilla, she said, "ya, there's no power." WHAT?!?!?! We found out that a substation in the area blew (or something) and we had no power, or any idea when it would be back on. By 9am, we were told that we would be sending the kids home at 11am. All of the classes on the third floor (where Grade 3, 4, 5 are) were outside for the morning. It was still cooler outside than inside. We spent the morning outside, going from class to class.

We should have power tomorrow, which will be good because I lost 5 lessons with my kids today. As nice as the afternoon could have been (now that's another story), to lose the instructional time is hard...there's only so much time in a unit...

I'm not sure what the status is. I suppose we will hear if anything else happens or if they were unable to get the power back on for tomorrow. Who knows? For now, I'm just trying to encourage Lucas to finish his homework so we can go to the pool. :)

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