Saturday, February 14, 2015


Well, the year is well underway and I have been thinking about this post for a LONG time. Life has gotten a bit overwhelming at times with the business of things that "have" to be done. With the New year, we are on the cusp of "Starting Over" so to speak. The time to reflect on your life over the past year and make changes that will be positive for you. I have always taken part in this tradition, though have not always been successful.

This year we sat down to write our resolutions and Lucas had his ready right away...
  • to take breaths when he is swimming
  • not to make bad choices
Simple enough, and things he had been thinking a lot about. For me, it was more challenging to think of the things I could manage for the year.


“There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.”

Quote from


I read an article about interest vs commitment, which suggested that sometimes our goals or resolutions may fail simply because though we may be INTERESTED in doing these things, we are not COMMITTED to seeing them through. Ok, this could definitely explain some of the projects lying around my house. I have so many interests, and so many things I am interested in doing, though there is not enough time in the day to remain committed to all of them. It is this revelation that will guide my further actions.

Am I committed to seeing this through, or just interested in doing it? 

I really think this will help me to focus on completing things I am truly committed to. Otherwise it just adds to the overwhelming feeling I have of too much to do and not enough time. 

I read another article about setting a New Year's THEME, rather than goals. (I'll post the link when I REfind the article). Now this I like. I can get on board with something like this. Again, thinking back to the previous point, because I have so many interests, I need to focus on things that are most meaningful for me. 
Two themes that are important to me are:

<3 <3 Taking Care of ME
I think this is very important and impacts all parts of my life when done improperly, but I often let other things get in the way of me taking care of myself. I think many other mothers may let this happen too...where motherhood, work, chores, and others in general get the "best" of us and we have nothing left to give ourselves. This really just starts a viscous cycle where we are unprepared for motherhood, work, chores, others because we have not given what we need to ourselves.
So, HOW can I take better care of ME?
  • Prioritize my fitness routine
  • get enough sleep
  • set aside time for my hobbies weekly
  • do one thing just for me
<3 <3  Simplify
Again, it is very easy to get caught up in the craziness, business, "going" attitude you see in many parts of life, but I think the Chinese culture has it right....and it hits me upside the head each time I "NEED" something done and it is "TAKING FOREVER" to happen. To simplify, to minimize unnecessary possessions and take the time to enjoy life around you as it happens, is important. The Chinese attitude of health of soul and body is a part of their idea of health of their space, feng shui. 
So, how can I simplify?
  • Re-organize and clean out often...get rid of things we don't use/need (clothing included, I have a tendency to not want to get rid of my clothes, but keep them because "this shirt goes with those pants and I might wear it again someday..." silly, I know!!)
  • Just say NO (to extra obligations and activities that will create unnecessary business in my life.
  • Choose hobbies/activities to which I am most committed to continue (my scrapbook, this blog) let the others go....

So, I think this sums it up....this year my resolutions are:
  • to take care of me
  • to simplify
Let the years work begin!!!!

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