Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Big decisions...

I have always been one to say that things happen for a reason. Throughout my time growing up and making decisions, great things have happened, bad things have happened, I've made good and poor choices....not unlike anyone else growing up. People, I think, have a tendency to make excuses for poor choices and try to find reasons that they made these choices. Of course, there are certain factors that contribute to different circumstances, but sometimes we just make poor choices.

As this school year started, through what was another period of many volleyball obligations, both during the week and on weekends, and lack of Lucas-time, it was again a struggle to keep all my balls in the air. Events took place that, in and of themselves, were drops in the bucket, though added all together created a difficult time for me. I think that these events have molded my decisions to follow a path that was originally unintended. I came into the year, knowing that I would stay another year in Beijing, but came out thinking that another path is the one I should take.

I have opened another door for myself, which will lead me to another place. I have looked at things that have happened and have made the decision that for my dreams to continue to come true, for me to be happy and at peace, it is time to explore!!! It is time for another location, another place in China to call our home.

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