Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Big decisions...

I have always been one to say that things happen for a reason. Throughout my time growing up and making decisions, great things have happened, bad things have happened, I've made good and poor choices....not unlike anyone else growing up. People, I think, have a tendency to make excuses for poor choices and try to find reasons that they made these choices. Of course, there are certain factors that contribute to different circumstances, but sometimes we just make poor choices.

As this school year started, through what was another period of many volleyball obligations, both during the week and on weekends, and lack of Lucas-time, it was again a struggle to keep all my balls in the air. Events took place that, in and of themselves, were drops in the bucket, though added all together created a difficult time for me. I think that these events have molded my decisions to follow a path that was originally unintended. I came into the year, knowing that I would stay another year in Beijing, but came out thinking that another path is the one I should take.

I have opened another door for myself, which will lead me to another place. I have looked at things that have happened and have made the decision that for my dreams to continue to come true, for me to be happy and at peace, it is time to explore!!! It is time for another location, another place in China to call our home.

October Holiday

This is an October Holiday that we were definitely looking forward to!

First Day of SCHOOL!!!

TODAY MY WONDERFULLY CLEVER LITTLE MAN IS IN KINDERGARTEN!!!! I cannot believe that this little guy is in kindergarten! The time has gone just TOO fast! And he was SO excited to start kindergarten!!! All last year, he would tell people, "I should be in Kindergarten this year, but I am in PreK" and all summer he COUNTED DOWN the number of days until he started Kindergarten, expressing this excitement to anyone and everyone who would listen.

Then finally, the BIG DAY! He was up early, had his bag packed, and was hopping to go to school!!

Back in Beijing

After a lovely summer at home with family and friends, we headed back to Beijing on August 3rd, which by the time we arrived here, it was August 4th here. Work for me started on August 6th, so basically we had ONE DAY to get things prepared to be back in the swing of things and for me to find an ayi for Lucas while I was in training for the first week. Luckily, I had a contact and secured an ayi the day BEFORE heading back to work. Of course, we were still on Washington time, which meant that we were waking up in the morning between 12:30am and 4am for the first 4 days or so, and going to bed around 3 or 4pm, as SOON as I got home. It was pretty rough going for a while.

Though we had an easier transition this year and didn't cry nearly as long after leaving Dad and Mom at the airport, it was still difficult to make the switch to being so far from family and friends. There was a certain "peace" with coming back to what is now our "home," despite the difficulty in it.


So, this last weekend has been the hardest one yet. At this time, there are only 2 days until we fly to China. We spent great (though very short) time with some very important people in our lives, and as we have gotten closer and closer to the time of departure, my heart gets heavier with thoughts of those I love and will be leaving. My family is so important to me and has been such a big part of me growing up. We always had family celebrations and traditions that we kept alive from year to year...and as you know, we got older and things changed. Distance separates us.

We traveled for the last time to my hometown, where we drove by the house I grew up in. It brought back so many happy memories of the times I had there as a child. It is funny how you have in your mind a perspective, a picture of how you remember a place or time and when you return to this place, time has changed it. Time changes all things, and to go back it all seems so much bigger. And yes, a lot of it was, the trees are taller, the bushes fuller....and though basically things were the same, it was different.

One thing people have said to me over and over is how big of a move this is, how brave I am to be doing this and asking me if I am scared. And no, I'm not scared.  Though I never really understood what the big deal was... To me, I was just following my dream, going somewhere that I have always wanted to go, doing what I have always wanted to do.  My trip got me thinking more and more about this though. People each have their level of comfort, looking around you will see people who move away from their hometown's and people who stay and raise their own families there. It occurred to me how big this was.

We went to church this evening with my brother. We hadn't been in a while, and my home church is always welcoming and the best to come back to, though over the years it too has changed.

OCTOBER 2013-JUNE 2014