Thursday, August 21, 2014

August 6, 2013

Today shall be known as The Day I Ate Baby Shrimp. We took a taxi to work again today because we were running late. Lucas has been really tired and not wanting to get up in the morning. After I got him to childcare, I went to my meetings.
At lunch, Lucas and I walked over to the Chinese restaurant next to school so I could order some of the broccoli I got the other day, and some vegetarian dumplings. I was sure to ask for vegetarian dumplings and got to speak to a worker show spoke some English today.  While the food was cooking, we walked over to State Grid to put 400 quai on the electricity card. When we got back, it was ready, so we picked it up and went back to school to have lunch. Lucas had his customary peanut butter and apples for lunch again and I got him a soda as a treat.
When we got to school, I ate one of my dumplings (it tasted a tad different than I remembered) then I ate my broccoli. I took a bite from another dumpling and saw something that looked funny. At first I thought it was maybe the end of a veggie, but when I looked closer, it kind of looked like a shrimp. I stopped eating because I really was NOT sure. When I took Lucas back to childcare, I asked Ruta if she wanted them because I thought they had meat. Marlena looked at it and said, “oh, ya, that’s baby shrimp.” UGH!!!  After I got back to my meeting, I shared this and Kyra said that they will often put the shrimp in there. Someone else told me that they often don’t think of seafood as “meat” and it will still often be seafood in “vegetarian” things.
Things I learned today: Be more specific when I am asking for vegetarian foods.
Things I took for granted: Being able to read food descriptions and ask for things with NO meat products and be understood.

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