Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 3:Energy & Organization

Well, I have to say that three days in, I am feeling good about what I am doing in my house. Today it sucked up a lot of my time, though I did use some of nap time for this task (though then I missed out on napping) and completed my time in the evening. I spent about 4 hours on things around the house today. At this point, it is not really looking spectacular, but I notice the things that I have done and it feels good. I have spent some time in the kitchen cupboards, the living room, bathroom, and the second bedroom. I have another pile of stuff that has to GO and am trying to make quick decisions about whether to keep something or not. I have this uncontrollable urge to "pile" things and save them "to look through later" and also to keep things (little, weird things that are meaningless) that I want to put in my scrapbook "someday." (think recpiets, tags, etc) I implemented this system of looking at things in my piles and making QUICK GUT decisions on whether or not to keep them because I have this uncanny ability to talk myself into keeping the strangest things. I have been successful with this area. I have tackled a BIG nagging task (it split over two days). I purchased an external hard drive and now have ALL of my pictures backed up!!!  YAY! I have been meaning to do this for years, so it is nice to have checked off. :)

I held myself well today to the one minute rule and the evening tidy up.  I actually spent more time and completed more this evening than planned, which got my mind wandering. I was thinking about things that I start (scrapbooks, journals, workouts) that I neve finish and began to wonder what it is that gives me such a strong urge and ability to start these things and how it is that my desire in them falls short and diminishes???  Cna I change myself so that I follow through with them? I guess this "happiness project" is really a BIG TEST on whether or not I do this. I am tracking my progress each day, so there is not really room to just fall off of this one, unless I tuck my checklist away and forget it. I feel this system may be really helpful to build these things into a habit before dropping them off. So far, the one that I have yet to hit on any of my three days is my "early to bed, early to rise" objective. I'm naturally a night person, this will be the most challenging for me. Especially since the evenings are my time and though I often do work or chores around the house, it is mine to decide what I do with. I really dont want to lose this, but hitting the hay a little earlier would be much better for me, I know. 

I have hit the mark on two of my objectives each of the three days: "restore, maintain, organize" & "do something active." The latter is very vague and I am already thinking I need to refine it to be more clear, but since I have so many changes right now, I am going to wait until I have week one under my belt,then will change it to "run one mile." Again, this is because I want to build routine in what I am doing and if I try to do too much too fast, all at once, I will be setting myself up for failure, which I am NOT going to do. 

Even in just these three short days, I have struggled with "doing one thing for me" & "priortize." I knew these were going to be my toughest, and I think that now I need to grab the bull by the horns and make a more concentrated effort to fulfill these because at the root of my struggles, lies these two things, which just snowball everything else.

All in all, summer has started with a wonderful bang and the time I have had with my son has been spectacular and MUCH more relaxing than before. Everything is on the right track. :)

Until tomorrow.
Amanda :)

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